GDPR for Beginners (DBX0001)
Data Protection
GDPR for Beginners (DBX0001)

Everyone working for your organisation is responsible for protecting personal data and is expected to play their part in supporting compliance with the legislation.

This training course is facilitated by Kellie Peters, co-founder of Databasix, and...

GDPR Refresher Training (DBX0006)
Data Protection
GDPR Refresher Training (DBX0006)
The GDPR expects organisations to keep their teams updated with best practice for compliance with the regulations. Keeping the GDPR front of mind is essential and made even more relevant when changes occur to work, communication and...
Cookie Compliance for Websites and Apps (DBX0010)
Data Protection
Cookie Compliance for Websites and Apps (DBX0010)
Cookies allow a website to recognise a user’s device and are widely used to help websites function efficiently and provide information to the website's owners. And, the same applies to some apps. Cookies involve personal data, and so...
Cyber Security Awareness (DBX0011)
Cyber Security Awareness (DBX0011)

Our Cyber Security Awareness training educates employees, supports your cyber controls, and contributes to protecting your organisation from cyber threats.

Facilitated by Kellie Peters, co-founder of Databasix, this course removes the ‘smoke and...

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