Data Protection

Cookie Compliance for Websites and Apps (DBX0010)

Cookies allow a website to recognise a user’s device and are widely used to help websites function efficiently and provide information to the website's owners. And, the same applies to some apps. Cookies involve personal data, and so appropriate controls must be in place.

Facilitated by Kellie Peters, co-founder of Databasix, this plain language, non-technical course shines a clear, bright light through the smoke and mirrors aspects of cookies and is suitable for all roles and teams responsible for website and app design and management.

The session provides essential information, including the legal frameworks, types of cookies and usage, and the checkpoints to resolve before cookies are deployed, to give delegates and their organisation confidence understanding has to how cookies may be used legitimately.

During the training course, delegates are asked questions to check their understanding.

Following their completion of the course, the delegates receive a PDF certificate and an electronic copy of the course materials.

Course Duration: 90 mins

Price per delegate:
• 1 to 10 delegates: £102.00
• 11 to 50 delegates: £78.00* plus VAT
• 51 to 100 delegates: £54.00* plus VAT
• More than 100 delegates: Please contact us

*Prices apply only when booked in one tranche and with a single payment.

  • Module 1: Welcome and Introduction
  • What Will You Learn Today?
  • Module 2: Key Definitions
  • Key Definitions
  • What is Meant by Processing
  • Data Controller vs. Data Processor
  • What are Cookies
  • Question 1
  • Module 3: Types of Cookies
  • Types of Cookies
  • Session vs Persistent Cookies
  • First Party and Third Party Cookies
  • Question Two
  • Module 4: Other Technologies
  • What are Pixels
  • Question Three
  • Module 5: Legal Frameworks
  • General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR")
  • Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations ("PECR") and Consent
  • Trying to Reject Cookies (a sketch)
  • When is Consent Required?
  • Question Four
  • What is Valid Consent
  • Strictly Necessary and Communication Exemptions
  • Question Five
  • Top Tips and Prominent News Stories
  • Module 6: Demonstrating Compliance
  • Cookie Policy and Consent Management Tools
  • Good Cookie Banner vs. Bad Cookie Banner
  • Question Six
  • Module 7: Audit & Checklist
  • Conducting and Audit & Your Cookie Checklist
  • Close
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year